Basic Text Link
A text link is generally an inline interactive element that is styled as underlined text. Its main purpose is to help the user navigate (sometimes perform a function). Both <a class="e-bolt-text-link"> and <a> are acceptable at rendering a text link, though the Twig template is the recommended usage for Drupal.
Important Notes:
There are advanced features with the text link element, class="e-bolt-text-link" is required to get those features. Reference respective doc page for each feature.
Only text should be passed to the content prop. <span>, <em>, and <strong> tags are allowed.
{% include '@bolt-elements-text-link/text-link.twig' with {
content: 'Click me to go to',
attributes: {
href: '',
target: '_blank',
} only %}
<a href="" target="_blank" class="e-bolt-text-link">Click me to go to</a>